Thursday, August 03, 2006

It took me a few days to think on an interesting show I saw during the Capital Fringe festival. The show was La Corbiere. It was performed in a pool in Georgetown, and I think I have lost my ability to appreciate avant garde theater. The plot (and I had to read this) was the story of a ship of french whores that was shipwrecked and no one cared. Uplifting no? So, stylistically I enjoyed the blocking/movement of the piece, but the dialog was, ummm, different. An example? Ok! During one of the flashback scenes, one of the whores is being raped. The dialog consisted of the rapist repeating "This, this, this. . ." and his buddy, who is watching the act responding with "That, that, that. . ." while the whore verbally resisted. At another point, the narrator whore walked around the pool reciting "Sand, sand, sand. . .", which a friend of mine mistook for "Ants, ants, ants. . ." I am all for culture and avant garde theater, and I am so happy I was able to experience this show. I mean really, how often do you get to see a show with such highlights as the "slit, slut, cunt, whore" chant and to see lovely ladies swimming in a pool in their negligee. Sure, I didn't truly "get it" but, whatever, there are freakin TV shows I don't get, so I guess I am not the best critic in terms of artistic treatments of shows.

To those artists that bravely mounted this production, bravo! And to all who participated in Fringe Festival. . .hooray! May next year's festival be just as successful!


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