Sunday, August 13, 2006

Oh happy weekend!

So, had one of those weekends that just seemed blog worthy. Let's start with yesterday. I decided to bring my mom to a fundraiser for my friend who is on her way to Ghana next month. Mom was SO excited to hang out with some of my friends, and I was excited for my friends to hang with mom, so mom met me at my place and I drove her car on down to Reston. As we are exiting the highway, and heading to my friend's, we get stopped by a cop who tells me that I made an illegal right turn. An illegal right turn? I ask, he replies "Yes, the intersection was clearly marked with No right Turn on Red signs, there are four of them" "Sorry, I was just following the GPS and guess I didn't read the signs properly" I responded. He took my license and mom's registration and wrote me an $87.00 ticket. . nice. . .way to impress momma. So, we headed to the party and had a lovely time. Headed home and went to hang with my friend downtown. We had dinner and discussed what to do for the evening. We looked online and found a bar that had $5 all you could drink beer all night. . .what a bargain! Hooray! So, I called some people and set it up. We headed down and drank oh, a bit too much (me? drink too much!? that NEVER happens! :)

After a few hours, we head back to my friends house, where his couch was awaiting my drunk ass and after dispensing some of the beer back to nature, my phone rings. I reach into my pocket to grab it, it slips out of my hand and *kerplunk* right into the john. Being that my reflexes were definately limited and the sheer horror of dropping my phone into the toilet I did not move quick enough to save it from completely shorting out. I walked out of the bathroom and explained to my friend what happened. . . .ten minutes later, after the laughter died down, I was out like a light.

Well, hopefully that got all the bad luck out of my system for this week. :-)


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