Tuesday, August 29, 2006

All In a Day

Ok, to start off with, I have a core group of friends, that I love, and would spend every waking moment with. . .this, has nothing to do with you. . .ok? OK! Now, on to my latest adventure. . .I met some friends for happy hour at a local gay bar. Hooray! Happy hour! The evening started out awesome. Some friends I haven't hung out with for a while, just getting together and having drinks. One of the friends had invited a friend who he was interested in getting to know better, and having a relationship with. Awesome. So, we were hanging out, having a good time, when another old friend showed up. . some one a friend of mine hadn't seen in a while due to drama. So, they began chatting and working through the drama. . .good for them, well, the person of interest was standing, alone in the corner so, me. . being sensitive to that dilemna, started talking to him. We had a great time, talking about just stuff. . .lots of stuff, and after about an hour. . literally. .. the drama was resolved, and back came my friend to the circle. Well, upon his return, I was confronted with. . .drama of my own, the person my friend was interested in, had become interested in me. Ugh. . .ok, so I have been single for a while now. . and, this made me feel good. . .however. . . my friend was interested so. .. NO. . .NO. . NO for me!!!! So, I turned and started talking to the person next me. An overweight, hairy dude who. . .ok, I was NOT attracted to but. . .well, I had to do something, so I just kept focused on him. As I was waiting for another friend to arrive, I couldn't leave, so . . .I just . . .I introduced this person to my friend and his intended, and they decided they wanted to get some food. "you should come with us!" my friend decided, and his intended winked and said, "absolutely!" I , being of sound mind and morals decided, no. . .I definatley can NOT do that. . so, I stayed behind, just as my other friend arrived. . hooray! an out!!! So, I turned to the person I was "flirting with" and said, "here is my number. I would love to talk more, but am here with friends so. . .need to go." And with that, walked away from him and back with my newly arrived friend. Hooray!

As we were hanging, he said that another mutual friend was on his way. Yeah, a posse!! So, we were hanging, and who should walk in but the recent ex of said mutual friend (recent as of Friday!). Ugh. . .MORE drama. . .so, he comes over, and gives me a hug and says. . ."so good to see you!" yeah, right. .. you know I am friends with your ex dickweed and you also know he is on his way. .nice try. So, the ex arrives (I really can't use names. . . dunno if they read this or not. . .) and I am torn between the two. . talking and what not. I finally get to a point where, I am ready to go. .too much drama, WAY too much drama. . and I am done. . .so, I go to say goodbye to them and I get. ."oh, come with me to Cobalt. .I will put you on my tab and we will have fun!!" Ok, unless fun has to do with coming home with me, I need to go. . .so, I leave.

I should learn from this shouldnt' I? My core group. . .and you know who you are. . .I LOVE YOU ALL! You make me happy and NEVER put me in this situation. Just sharing the other side of my life. . .LOL!


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