Monday, September 29, 2008

Need to try to get this updated more often, specially since I don't get much opportunity to see people lately. Pretty good weekend this weekend. Had a nice dinner in Annapolis with some friends, then hit a little wine bar Downtown. . .and watched all the poor people running through the downpour that hit right as we walked in, heehee.

Saw an amazing show at Freddies Beach Bar, Christopher Peterson's Eyecons. He is so amazing, his transformations from one diva to the next are hilarious, and the fact that he sings all the songs himself is so impressive!

Things with the boy are difficult to explain. Since my last blog, I have been scolded and told over and over how dumb I am, how I am just going to get hurt, how I am never going to find a boyfriend if I don't stop acting like a kid. All valid, to be sure. He's a great guy, fun to be around, we have alot in common, and he is always smiling, always happy, so in a time in my life that is filled with people yelling at me at work, stressing me out, and the only release I have is when I am not too exhausted, to head to karaoke, he is a shining point in my world. Will it last? Nah, he's not looking for a relationship. Am I going to get hurt? Well, that's inevitable at this point, after over 2 months of spending lots of time together, its hard to let that go. So, I am just relaxing about it. . . .I need to relax about something and it might was well be something that brings me happiness.

I can't believe it is October already! Sheesh! On the plus side, my project should be wrapping up this week and next, and then I should be moving on to bigger and MUCH better things (I hope). Those friends contributing their two cents, thanks. . .I appreciate it. . .and I know that I have had my heart broken over and over and over and over again, and it will continue to happen, to be sure, but one of these days I WILL pick the right guy to want to take care, who will appreciate what I have to offer, and have something to offer me back aside from laughs and fun times. Until then, why be bored? Why not have fun while I can. . . having spent a good part of this year celebate. . .it was time for some craziness! Hooray!


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