Monday, December 17, 2007

Here's to the holiday season! That time of year that really takes a bite out of your wallet and makes you appreciate how crappy it is to be single. Work parties, friends parties, bar parties, hooray! No good drunken holiday stories to report yet, but its still early :)

Living alone again has made me realize how much I require human interaction. How much I crave company. How disappointing it is when plans fall through. And how difficult it is for me to sit at home. Its part of the whole getting comfortable with myself and relishing time alone, rather than pacing around trying to figure out how to stop thinking about how lonely and depressed I am because no one is around to hang out with me. Silly really. With so much going on, the small amount of down time I have should be about touching base with friends and family, relaxing and catching up on tv/housework/etc. instead of wasting time focusing on things that aren't broken, just temporarily out of order.

Happy Holidays!


Blogger Mark in DE said...

Interesting observation. Indeed there are many around you, but some level of loneliness persists. I imagine there are many others who feel the same way.
Have a cocktail at Freddie's and interact with them!

Mark :-)

1:11 PM  

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