Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010! Hooray, a new decade! So, at the end of the year that was, I accepted a new job, one with a company I had worked for before, with the promise of a free move to California with a job! Hooray! I jumped on that as fast as I could. So, I have been jumping on projects to help out and bring them back under control. Mission accomplished. I am headed into the spring and I still don't have a firm move date. Ok, no big deal, just some planning would help, right? Some time to pack and prepare. . but whatevs, San Diego baby! Always nice weather, accept for now http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34926340/ns/weather/. . wow that sucks, ok so a little bit of a wait is prolly a good thing!

I do wish I could have gotten involved in some theater though. The promise of a possible January departure kept me from committing to a show. And, trying to get around, visit and spend time with those I care about is going to be tough to schedule, but I want to leave right this time. Not just quit my job, hop in a car and leave. I will be back and forth for a while, at least a year, and I fully expect visits! Hooray! Finally a beach destination option!

There will be more posts, moving alone is lonely man!


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