Tuesday, August 29, 2006

All In a Day

Ok, to start off with, I have a core group of friends, that I love, and would spend every waking moment with. . .this, has nothing to do with you. . .ok? OK! Now, on to my latest adventure. . .I met some friends for happy hour at a local gay bar. Hooray! Happy hour! The evening started out awesome. Some friends I haven't hung out with for a while, just getting together and having drinks. One of the friends had invited a friend who he was interested in getting to know better, and having a relationship with. Awesome. So, we were hanging out, having a good time, when another old friend showed up. . some one a friend of mine hadn't seen in a while due to drama. So, they began chatting and working through the drama. . .good for them, well, the person of interest was standing, alone in the corner so, me. . being sensitive to that dilemna, started talking to him. We had a great time, talking about just stuff. . .lots of stuff, and after about an hour. . literally. .. the drama was resolved, and back came my friend to the circle. Well, upon his return, I was confronted with. . .drama of my own, the person my friend was interested in, had become interested in me. Ugh. . .ok, so I have been single for a while now. . and, this made me feel good. . .however. . . my friend was interested so. .. NO. . .NO. . NO for me!!!! So, I turned and started talking to the person next me. An overweight, hairy dude who. . .ok, I was NOT attracted to but. . .well, I had to do something, so I just kept focused on him. As I was waiting for another friend to arrive, I couldn't leave, so . . .I just . . .I introduced this person to my friend and his intended, and they decided they wanted to get some food. "you should come with us!" my friend decided, and his intended winked and said, "absolutely!" I , being of sound mind and morals decided, no. . .I definatley can NOT do that. . so, I stayed behind, just as my other friend arrived. . hooray! an out!!! So, I turned to the person I was "flirting with" and said, "here is my number. I would love to talk more, but am here with friends so. . .need to go." And with that, walked away from him and back with my newly arrived friend. Hooray!

As we were hanging, he said that another mutual friend was on his way. Yeah, a posse!! So, we were hanging, and who should walk in but the recent ex of said mutual friend (recent as of Friday!). Ugh. . .MORE drama. . .so, he comes over, and gives me a hug and says. . ."so good to see you!" yeah, right. .. you know I am friends with your ex dickweed and you also know he is on his way. .nice try. So, the ex arrives (I really can't use names. . . dunno if they read this or not. . .) and I am torn between the two. . talking and what not. I finally get to a point where, I am ready to go. .too much drama, WAY too much drama. . and I am done. . .so, I go to say goodbye to them and I get. ."oh, come with me to Cobalt. .I will put you on my tab and we will have fun!!" Ok, unless fun has to do with coming home with me, I need to go. . .so, I leave.

I should learn from this shouldnt' I? My core group. . .and you know who you are. . .I LOVE YOU ALL! You make me happy and NEVER put me in this situation. Just sharing the other side of my life. . .LOL!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Hot Morning in the City

I awoke this morning to another hot, hazy Washington, DC day. I putter around, getting ready for work and head out the door of my apartment. As I walk out the front door, and into the wall of haze and humidity I knew it was just going to be one of those days. I walked across the street and into the cool Crystal City undergroud to catch the metro into Rosslyn. I made my way through the crowd and found myself amongst a group of people on the platform. Our train arrived a few minutes later, and I entered the car and found a seat. I looked down into my saddlebag to grab the latest James Patterson book I recently started. When I looked up, to my dismay, a set of breasts were approximately 5 inches from my face and a well manicured hand was grasping the bar on the seat in front of me. I glanced up into the face of the owner of these breasts and she smiled down on me, with a naughtly little smirk. Huh, oh well, so back to my book I went. The train jolted as it made its way out of the station and I felt a soft but noticible brush of her breasts upon my ear. I shivered and tried to move further into the seat, to escape, but the passenger next to me, a soldier in a crisp uniform, required alot of space so, I shrank as far as I could and tried to get back into my reading. Each bump of the train resulted in another encounter with this woman's breasts and I was starting to get the impression that she was enjoying it a little too much. As we passed through Arlington Cemetary and back into the underground, I snuck a quick look at her face and saw that her eyes were closed and she was grinning from ear to ear.

At long last, my stop arrived, and as I started to rise saying, "Excuse me" in the lowest voice I could muster she immediately squeezed in behind me, before I had even exited the row and snatch me seat. Happy friday y'all!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Oh happy weekend!

So, had one of those weekends that just seemed blog worthy. Let's start with yesterday. I decided to bring my mom to a fundraiser for my friend who is on her way to Ghana next month. Mom was SO excited to hang out with some of my friends, and I was excited for my friends to hang with mom, so mom met me at my place and I drove her car on down to Reston. As we are exiting the highway, and heading to my friend's, we get stopped by a cop who tells me that I made an illegal right turn. An illegal right turn? I ask, he replies "Yes, the intersection was clearly marked with No right Turn on Red signs, there are four of them" "Sorry, I was just following the GPS and guess I didn't read the signs properly" I responded. He took my license and mom's registration and wrote me an $87.00 ticket. . nice. . .way to impress momma. So, we headed to the party and had a lovely time. Headed home and went to hang with my friend downtown. We had dinner and discussed what to do for the evening. We looked online and found a bar that had $5 all you could drink beer all night. . .what a bargain! Hooray! So, I called some people and set it up. We headed down and drank oh, a bit too much (me? drink too much!? that NEVER happens! :)

After a few hours, we head back to my friends house, where his couch was awaiting my drunk ass and after dispensing some of the beer back to nature, my phone rings. I reach into my pocket to grab it, it slips out of my hand and *kerplunk* right into the john. Being that my reflexes were definately limited and the sheer horror of dropping my phone into the toilet I did not move quick enough to save it from completely shorting out. I walked out of the bathroom and explained to my friend what happened. . . .ten minutes later, after the laughter died down, I was out like a light.

Well, hopefully that got all the bad luck out of my system for this week. :-)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

It took me a few days to think on an interesting show I saw during the Capital Fringe festival. The show was La Corbiere. It was performed in a pool in Georgetown, and I think I have lost my ability to appreciate avant garde theater. The plot (and I had to read this) was the story of a ship of french whores that was shipwrecked and no one cared. Uplifting no? So, stylistically I enjoyed the blocking/movement of the piece, but the dialog was, ummm, different. An example? Ok! During one of the flashback scenes, one of the whores is being raped. The dialog consisted of the rapist repeating "This, this, this. . ." and his buddy, who is watching the act responding with "That, that, that. . ." while the whore verbally resisted. At another point, the narrator whore walked around the pool reciting "Sand, sand, sand. . .", which a friend of mine mistook for "Ants, ants, ants. . ." I am all for culture and avant garde theater, and I am so happy I was able to experience this show. I mean really, how often do you get to see a show with such highlights as the "slit, slut, cunt, whore" chant and to see lovely ladies swimming in a pool in their negligee. Sure, I didn't truly "get it" but, whatever, there are freakin TV shows I don't get, so I guess I am not the best critic in terms of artistic treatments of shows.

To those artists that bravely mounted this production, bravo! And to all who participated in Fringe Festival. . .hooray! May next year's festival be just as successful!